Any donor who offers up more than 20 percent of any project's budget will be credited as an "Executive Producer. These donors are eligible to share a percentage of the film's revenue.
For instance, if a Donor offers $200,000 for "RESCUE US," budgeted at $1 million, that donor would receive an Executive Producer credit in the film and the benefits attributed to that role. Groups of donors can also combine their donations to reach the 20 percent mark on any given production. They then receive a shared Executive Producer credit. All donations will apply to the general fund, but high-dollar donors are permitted to select the projects to which they want their names attached.
Each film will consist of its own Limited Liability Corporation, made up of the film's producers and the executive team of the PARSONAGE PROJECT. These film LLCs are for-profit, enabling us to share with Executive Producers, back-end revenues.
All back-end revenues earmarked for PARSONAGE PROJECT's executives are donated back into the PARSONAGE PROJECT in accordance with the PARSONAGE PRODUCTIONS' mission.
Are you an Executive Producer and Don't Know It?
Say how is this different from ...
...those guys who spent $25 million on Jesus-themed Super Bowl ads? That money could have helped a lot of people, right?
We have roughly $28 million worth of projects on our slate. The difference is that PARSONAGE PRODUCTIONS will generate revenue that will increase our non-profit funding exponentially. We use long-form content -- not 30-second ads -- to make Americans aware of the crisis we are all facing if this safety net disappears. For instance, "RESCUE US" will be produced for $1 million, released theatrically, and sold to a streamer, with low-end projections of $3 million in revenue. After payouts to Executive Producers, we will still have more than doubled that money, which will be funneled back into THE PARSONAGE PROJECT for distribution to interfaith clergy-based missions that need our help and programming that supports building clergy resilience.
Our films take on issues in a way that motivate stakeholders to act, increasing the help and solutions we bring to the table.
We need more money and resources than are available through traditional means to tackle these problems. Instead of wasting money on advertising, we invest in content that will spread our message and multiply our revenues significantly.