The Academy
A collection of high-quality resources created by clergy for clergy to build their resiliency and equip them for contemporary ministry. This ensures clergy and other ministers never have to recreate the wheel.
Our religious graduate schools are some of the best in the world. They excel in preparing future clergy to teach and interpret ancient texts, apply learned themes, celebrate theological traditions, and embrace a diverse history. Unfortunately, academic institutions can only do so much. Practical skills are often sacrificed, leaving clergy to learn on the job. As such, today's clergy are stand-in social workers, mental health interventionists, general contractors, business administrators, advocates, and finders of lost teddy bears -- just to name a few.
The PARSONAGE PROJECT is committed to building a collection of high-quality resources created by clergy, religious leaders, and other experts who cannot wait to share their expertise. Clergy will no longer have to recreate the wheel when stepping into areas unknown.
Does your house of faith need a new roof? Learn how to plan, execute, fundraise, hire, manage, and promote a capital campaign. Want to engage your urban community? Learn peacekeeping and diplomacy skills from those who have been there. Looking to launch something new for senior citizens? Search through Senior Ministry Best Practices. Are you a new faith leader in a rural community? Learn how best to attract people to your programs and worship experiences.
Providing clergy with the tools they need to succeed eliminates the stress of the knowledge gap, allowing them to flourish in their work rather than collapse under the weight. Further, THE PARSONAGE PROJECT will offer colloquiums and workshops to engage clergy in conversations tackling specific issues such as Climate Change and Your Congregation and Engaging Youth In Social Change.