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The Parsonage Project is supporting clergy who are caring for their communities in the aftermath of the Maine Shooting that took 18 lives and injured countless others. Please give today to help support programs such as these and their helpers.

Open Hands Icon
Sat on the Rocks
We Help the Helpers, and Those They Help

In 2022 the media began reporting on “The Great Resignation,” the massive clergy resignation that took place post-pandemic. Studies emerged citing a variety of causes, the most significant being “immense stress,” “lonely and isolated,” “current political divisions,” and the effect ministry service has on family.


Stories emerged of clergy resignations "from the pulpit" or in congregation meetings. Accusations of job abandonment became common. Clergy taking early retirement, having mental health breakdowns, and even committing suicide became commonplace.


We acknowledge these challenges and make a continued commitment to prevent clergy from reaching such a severe state. THE PARSONAGE PROJECT commits to providing clergy resources to build resiliency, unite and care for their communities, and to provide a safe space for clergy to rest and recuperate as they consider their next steps in ministry.


THE PARSONAGE PROJECT is a 501(c)3 non-profit charity serving clergy and those they help. Won't you be a part of our work and contribute today?

Are You In?
People with Masks
Praying Hands

Our mission is not one of politics nor of dogma. It is based on basic human values. 

  • Comfort the lonely.

  • Stop the violence.

  • Feed the hungry.

  • House the homeless.

  • Build resilience.

  • Save our safety net.


If you possess those values, then we’re in your corner, and we’d love to have you in ours. Let's get started.

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