Wellness Tools
Caregiving is incredible work of which we as clergy are honored and blessed to be a part. So is caring for yourself.

Caregiver Cards for Crisis Moments+
Checking in with others in stress comes naturally. But checking in with yourself takes intentionality. These cards, provided by the American Bible Society, make it easy, and part of your daily spirituality while dealing with crisis moments.
Source: American Bible Society
Wellness Wheel
Our Lutheran friends created Living Compass, a model for faith-based well-being that allows clergy to check their bearings. Divided into Heart, Strength, Mind, and Soul, this model helps us visualize our strengths and places that need support, while acknowledging the interconnectedness of each area.
Source: Church Health Reader
A Clergy Model for Wellness: Tools for Whole Self
Wellness. We're lectured about it from our colleagues. We promote it among our faith communities. But do we embody it? This thoughtful tool from the 2018 Faith Health Reader balances your faith, medical, movement, work, emotional, and social lives in ways meaningful to you.
All About Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Recent studies are showing that clergy experience PTSD at rates higher than the active military. Over 70% of people in the USA will experience a traumatic event in their lifetime. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is sometimes a diagnosis of over 8 million people in the US every year who do not heal from traumatic events.
Visit our trauma resources for additional tools.
THE PARSONAGE PROJECT is making every effort to include resources that accommodate every and all faiths. The resources we have readily available are Christian-based, marked with +. Resources from other faith traditions are very welcome to be submitted for consideration, CONTACT US.